How Much Horsepower Does a High-Performance Air Filter Add?

In a nutshell, yes, high-performance air filters can provide an increase in power. On average, this increase is around 3 to 5 HP, which may not seem like much but can make a huge difference in the overall performance of the vehicle and the driving experience. The exact amount of power gained depends on the engine type, model, size, vehicle condition, and environmental factors. K&N air filters, however, usually add an average of 15 to 25 additional horsepower compared to a standard system**.

Each kit is tested to ensure that the filter and intake pipe are positioned to maximize airflow and power. The dynamometer test results are available on each product page, so you can get an idea of how much power you can expect from an upgrade. For example, after installing a K&N filter, one engine produced 164.42 hp and 142.53 lb-ft of torque - 1.1 hp and 1.71 more pound-feet than a cheap aftermarket filter. One of the major advantages of using a high-flow air filter is that it doesn't need to be changed as often as a regular filter - all you have to do is clean it every two years or so.

This is because they don't clog as quickly or as easily, but they offer better airflow and better filtration of the air that enters the engine. And if your engine gets more air, then it can work better - a high-flow air filter can increase its power by approximately 3 to 5 HP and also increase its torque. At the same time, this can increase fuel efficiency. In some of the more expensive units, the filter comes with a cold air intake unit which is installed to extract air from outside the car instead of the hot air used inside the engine compartment.

Cold air is denser and therefore burns better, which improves engine performance. A paper filter works on a principle called surface charge - dust accumulates only on the surface of the filter medium. K&N filters are designed to last for up to 100,000 miles and have been tested with their own refill system to clean and grease the filter. This allows you to continue to get the performance you expect from your K&N air filter and, at the same time, you can rely on the efficiency and cutting-edge protection offered by a K&N oiled air filter.

Most disposable paper filters restrict airflow considerably since the openings in the filter medium have to be extremely small to effectively filter, slowing down airflow. As dust accumulates on the surface of the disposable filter and blocks openings in the medium, it will normally restrict air flow more and more over time. One potential issue that has been observed is that due to increased air intake, high-performance filters can expose the engine to more debris and contaminants. As a result, K&N filters can retain significantly more dirt and particles per square inch of material than a regular paper filter.

Michael Morton
Michael Morton

Devoted internet maven. Hipster-friendly web practitioner. Avid pop culture nerd. Lifelong music lover. Avid pop culture specialist.

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